34 Whan ye are come in to the lande of Canaan, which I geue you to possesse: and yf there happen a plage of leprosy in any house of youre possession,
35 then shal he that oweth the house, come and tell the prest, and saye: Me thynke there is as it were a plage of leprosy in my house.
36 Then shal the prest commaunde to rydde all thynge out of the house or euer the prest go in to se ye plage, lest all that is in the house be made vncleane. Afterwarde shall ye prest go in, to se the plage.
37 Now whan he loketh, and fyndeth, yt there be holowe strakes yalowe or reedish in the walles of the house, & they seme to be lower then the wall besyde,
38 then shall he go out at the dore of the house, and shut vp the house for seuen dayes.
39 And vpon the seuenth daye whan he commeth, and seyth that the plage hath fretten farther in the walles of the house,
40 the shall he commaunde to breake out the stones wherin the plage is, & to cast the in a foule place without the cite,
41 & the house to be scraped within rounde aboute, and the dust yt is scraped of, to be poured without ye cite in an vncleane place,
42 & to take other stones, and put them in the place of the other, and to take other playster, and playster the house.
43 Whan the plage then commeth agayne, and breaketh forth in the house, after yt the stones are broke out, the playster scraped of, and the house playsterd of the new,
44 the shal the prest go in: and whan he seyth that the plage hath fretten farther in the house, then is there surely a fretinge leprosy in the house, and it is vncleane:
45 therfore shal the house be broken downe, both the stones, and ye tymber and all the dust of the house, and shal be caried out of the cite in to an vncleane place.