Judges 9:7-15

Coverdale(i) 7 Whan this was tolde Iotham, he wente, and stode vpon the toppe of mount Grisim, and lifte vp his voyce, cried, and sayde: Heare me ye men of Sichem, that God maye heare you also 8 The trees wente to anointe a kinde ouer them, and sayde vnto the Olyue tre: Be thou oure kynge. 9 But the Olyue tre answered them: Shall I go and leaue my fatnesse (which both God and men commende in me) and go to be puft vp aboue the trees? 10 Then sayde the trees vnto the fygge tre: Come thou and be kynge ouer vs. 11 But the fygge tre sayde vnto the: Shal I leaue my swetnes and my good frute, and go to be puft vp aboue the trees? 12 Then sayde the trees vnto the vyne: Come thou and be oure kinge. 13 But the vyne sayde vnto them: Shal I leaue my swete wyne, which reioyseth God and men, and go to be puft vp aboue the trees? 14 The sayde all the trees vnto the thorne busshe: Come thou, and be kynge ouer vs. 15 And the thorne busshe sayde vnto the trees: Yf it be true, yt ye anoynte me to be kynge ouer you, the come, and put youre trust vnder my shadowe. Yf no, then go fyre out of the thorne busshe, & cosume ye Ceder trees of Libano.