John 19:1-24

Coverdale(i) 1 Then Pilate toke Iesus, and scourged him. 2 And the soudyers platted a crowne of thornes, and set it vpon his heade, and put a purple garment vpon him, 3 and sayde: Hayle kynge of the Iewes. And they smote him on the face. 4 Then wente Pilate forth agayne, and sayde vnto the: Beholde, I brynge him forth vnto you, yt ye maye knowe, yt I fynde no faute in hi. 5 So Iesus wente out, & ware a crowne of thorne and a purple robe. And he sayde vnto them: Beholde, the man. 6 Whan the hye prestes & the mynisters sawe him, they cryed, & sayde: Crucifye, crucifye. Pilate saide vnto the: Take ye him, and crucifye him, for I fynde no giltynesse in him. 7 The Iewes answered him: We haue a lawe, & after oure lawe he ought to dye, because he made him self the sonne of God. 8 Whan Pilate herde that worde, he was the more afrayed, 9 and wente agayne in to the comon hall, and sayde vnto Iesus: Whence art thou? But Iesus gaue him no answere. 10 The sayde Pilate vnto him: Speakest thou not vnto me? Knowest thou not, yt I haue power to crucifye ye, & haue power to lowse ye? 11 Iesus answered: Thou shuldest haue no power vpo me, yf it were not geue the from aboue. Therfore he that delyuered me vnto ye, hath the more synne. 12 From that tyme forth Pilate sought meanes to lowse him. But the Iewes cryed, & sayde: Yf thou let him go, thou art not the Emperours frede. For whosoeuer maketh himself kynge, is agaynst the Emperoure. 13 Whan Pilate herde yt worde, he brought Iesus forth, & sat hi downe vpo ye iugdmet seate, in the place which is called the Pauement, but in the Hebrue, Gabbatha. 14 It was the daye of preparinge of the Easter aboute the sixte houre. And he sayde vnto the Iewes: Beholde yor kynge. 15 But they cryed: Awaye wt him, awaye wt him, crucifie him. Pilate saide vnto the: Shal I crucifye yor kynge? The hye prestes answered: We haue no kynge but ye Emperor. 16 The delyuered he him vnto them, to be crucifyed.They toke Iesus, and led him awaye. 17 And he bare his crosse, and wente out to the place called ye place of deed men skulles, which in Hebrue is named Golgatha, 18 where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either syde one, but Iesus in the myddes 19 Pilate wrote a superscripcion, and set vpon the crosse. And there was wrytten: Iesus of Nazareth, kynge of the Iewes. 20 This superscripcion red many of the Iewes. For ye place where Iesus was crucifyed, was nye vnto the cite. And it was wrytten in Hebrue, Greke & Latyn. 21 Then sayde the hye prestes of the Iewes vnto Pilate: Wryte not kynge of the Iewes, but yt he sayde, I am kynge of the Iewes. 22 Pilate answered: What I haue wrytten, that haue I wrytten. 23 The sondyers, whan they had crucifyed Iesus, toke his garmentes, and made foure partes, to euery soudyer one patte, and the cote also. As for the cote, it was vnsowed fro aboue, wrought thorow and thorow. 24 Then sayde they one to another: Let vs not deuyde it, but cast lottes for it, who shal haue it, that the scripture might be fulfilled, which sayeth: They haue parted my garmentes amonge them, and on my cote haue they cast lottes. This dyd the soudyers in dede.