John 14:17-23

Coverdale(i) 17 euen ye sprete of trueth, whom ye worlde can not receaue, for it seyth him not, nether doth it knowe him: but ye knowe him, for he abydeth wt you, & shalbe in you 18 I wil not leaue you cofortles, I come vnto you. 19 It is yet a litle whyle, the shal the worlde se me nomore, but ye shal se me: for I lyue, and ye shal lyue also. 20 In yt daye shal ye knowe, that I am in the father and ye in me, and I in you. 21 He that hath my comaundementes, and kepeth them, the same is he that loueth me: and he that loueth me, shalbe loued of my father: & I wyl loue him, and wyl shewe myne awne self vnto him. 22 Iudas sayde vnto hi: (not that Iscarioth) LORDE, What is the cause the, that thou wilt shewe thy self vnto vs, and not vnto the worlde? 23 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: He that loueth me, wyl kepe my worde, and my father wyl loue him: and we wyl come vnto him, and wyll make oure dwellynge with him.