Job 24:21-25

Coverdale(i) 21 For they manteyne the baren, & make them yt they can not beare, & vnto wyddowes they do no good. 22 They plucke downe the mightie wt their power, & when they them selues are gotten vp, they are neuer without feare, as longe as they liue. 23 And though they might be safe, yet they wil not receaue it, for their eyes loke vpon their owne wayes. 24 They are exalted for a litle, but shortly are they gone, brought to extreme pouerte, & take out of the waye: yee & vtterly plucte of as the eares of corne. 25 Is it not so? Who wil the reproue me as a lyar, & saye yt my wordes are nothinge worth?