Job 1:10-19

Coverdale(i) 10 hast thou not preserued him, his house, and all his substaunce on euery syde? hast thou not blessed the workes of his hondes? Is not his possession encreaced in the londe? 11 But laye thyne honde vpo him a litle, touch once all that he hath, and (I holde) he shall curse the to thy face. 12 And the LORDE sayde vnto Sathan: lo all that he hath, be in thy power: only vpon himself se that thou laye not thine honde. Then wente Sathan forth from the LORDE. 13 Now vpon a certayne daye when his sonnes and doughters were eatinge, and drynkinge wyne in their eldest brothers house, 14 there came a messaunger vnto Iob, and sayde: Whyle the oxen were a plowinge, and the Asses goinge in the pasture besyde them: 15 the Sabees came in violetly, and toke them all awaye: yee they haue slayne the seruauntes with the swearde, and I only ranne my waye, to tell the. 16 And whyle he was yet speakynge, there came another, and sayde: The fyre of God is fallen from heauen, it hath consumed & bret vp all the shepe and seruauntes: and I only ranne my waye, to tell the. 17 In the meane season whyle he was yet speakinge, there came another, and sayde: The Caldees made thre armies, and fell in vpon the camels, which they haue caried awaye, yee and slayne the seruauntes with the swearde: and I only am gotte awaye, to tell the. 18 Whyle he was speakinge, there came yet another, ad sayde: Thy sonnes and doughters were eatinge ad drynkinge wyne in their eldest brothers house, 19 ad sodenly there came a mightie greate wynde out off the South, and smote the iiij. corners of the house: which fell vpon thy children, so that they are deed: and I am gotten awaye alone, to tell the.