Isaiah 23:15-17

Coverdale(i) 15 After that, shal the lxx yeares of Tirus (euen as longe as their kinges life was) be forgotten. And after lxx. yeares, it shal happe to Tirus as with an harlot that playeth vpon a lute. 16 Take thy lute (saie men to her) and go aboute the citie, thou art yet an vnknowne wensche, make pastyme with dyuerse balettes, wherby thou mayest come in to acquantaunce. 17 Thus shal it happen after lxx. yeares. The LORDE shal uiset the citie of Tirus, and it shal come agayne to hyr Marchaundyse, and shal occupie with al the Kingdomes that be in the worlde.