Hosea 2:6-11

Coverdale(i) 6 But I will hedge hir waye with thornes, and stoppe it, that she shal not fynde hir fotestoppes: 7 and though she runne after hir louers, yet shall she not get them: she shal seke them, but not fynde them. Then shal she saye: well, I will go turne agayne to my first hu?bonde, for at yt tyme was I better at ease, then now: 8 But this wolde she not knowe, where as I yet gaue her corne, wyne, oyle, syluer and golde, which she hath hanged vpon Baal. 9 Wherfore now will I go take my corne & wyne agayne in their season, and fet agayne my woll and my flax, which I gaue her, to couer hir shame. 10 And now will I dyscouer hir foolishnesse, euen in the sight of hir louers, and no man shal delyuer her out of my hondes. 11 Morouer, I wil take awaye all hir myrth, hir holy dayes, hir newmoones, hir Sabbathes and all hir solempne feastes: