Habakkuk 3:6-10

Coverdale(i) 6 He stondeth, & measureth the earth: He loketh, & the people consume awaye, the moutaynes of ye worlde fall downe to powlder, and the hilles are fayne to bowe them selues, for his goinges are euerlastinge and sure. 7 I sawe, that the pauilions of the Morians and the tentes of the londe of Madian were vexed for weerynesse. 8 Wast thou not angrie (o LORDE) in the waters? was not thy wrath in the floudes, and thy displeasure in the see? yes, whe thou sattest vpon thine horse, and when thy charettes had the victory. 9 Thou shewdest thy bowe opely, like as thou haddest promised with an ooth vnto the trybes. Sela. Thou didest deuyde the waters of the earth. 10 When the mountaynes saw the, they were afrayed, ye water streame wete awaye: the depe made a noyse at the liftinge vp of thine honde.