Genesis 44:16-34

Coverdale(i) 16 Iuda sayde: What shall we saye vnto my lorde? or how shal we speake? and what excuse shal we make? God hath founde out ye wickednesse of thy seruauntes. Beholde, we and he, by whom the cuppe is founde, are my lordes seruauntes. 17 But he sayde: God forbyd that I shulde do so. The man by whom the cuppe is founde, shall by my seruaunt, but go ye vp in peace vnto youre father. 18 The stepte Iuda vnto him, and sayde: My lorde, let thy seruaunt speake one worde in thine eares my lorde, be not displesed at yi seruaunt also, for thou art eue as Pharao. 19 My lorde axed his seruauntes, and sayde: Haue ye yet a father or brother? 20 Then answered we: We haue a father, which is olde, and a yonge lad begotten in his age, and his brother is deed, & he is left alone of his mother, and his father loueth him. 21 Then saydest thou: Brynge him downe vnto me, and I wil se him. 22 But we answered my lorde: The lad can not come from his father, yf he shulde come from him, he were but a deed man. 23 Then saydest thou vnto thy seruauntes: Yf youre yongest brother come not hither with you, ye shall se my face nomore. 24 Then wente we vp vnto thy seruaunt my father, and tolde him my lordes wordes. 25 Then sayde oure father: Go youre waye agayne, and bye vs a litle foode. 26 But we sayde: We can not go downe, excepte oure yongest brother be with vs, then wyll we go downe: for we darre not loke the man in the face, yf oure yongest brother be not with vs. 27 Then sayde thy seruaunt my father vnto vs: Ye knowe that my wife bare me two sonnes, 28 one wente out fro me, and I sayde: he is torne in peces. 29 Yf ye take this fro me also, and eny mysfortune happe him, then shal ye brynge my gray heer with sorowe downe vnto the graue. 30 Yf I now come home vnto my father, & the lad be not with me (seynge his soule hangeth by the soule of this) 31 then shall it come to passe, that yf he se not the lad there, he shal dye. So shal we thy seruauntes brynge the gray heer of thy seruaunt oure father with sorowe downe to the graue. 32 For I thy seruaunt became suertye for the lad vnto my father, and sayde: yf I brynge him not agayne, I will beare the blame all my lyfe longe. 33 Therfore let thy seruaunt byde here in steade of ye lad, to be my lordes bonde man, and let the lad go vp with his brethren. 34 For how can I go vp vnto my father, yf the lad be not with me? Then shulde I se the mysery that shulde happen vnto my father.