Genesis 41:33-44

Coverdale(i) 33 Let Pharao now prouyde for a man of vnderstondinge & wysdome, whom he maye set ouer the lande of Egipte, 34 and se that he ordene officers in the londe, and take ye fifth (parte) of the lande of Egipte in the seuen plenteous yeares, 35 and gather all ye foode yt shal come of the plenteous yeares, that they maye laye vp corne vnder Pharaos power for sustenaunce in the cities, 36 and kepe it, yt there maye be foode founde prepared for the lande in the seuen deare yeares, which shall come vpon the lande of Egipte, that the lande be not destroyed of honger. 37 The sayenge pleased Pharao well and all his seruautes. 38 And Pharao sayde vnto his seruauntes? How might we fynde soch a man, in whom is the sprete of God? 39 And sayde vnto Iosep: For so moch as God hath shewed ye all this, there is none of soch vnderstondinge & wysdome as thou. 40 Thou shalt be ouer my house, and acordinge vnto thy worde shall all my people obeye: onely in the kynges seate wyll I be more then thou. 41 And he sayde: Beholde, I haue set the ouer the whole lande of Egipte. 42 And he toke of his ringe from his hade and gaue it Ioseph in his hade, and clothed him with whyte sylke, and honge a cheyne of golge aboute his neck, 43 and made him ryde vpo the seconde charet: and caused it be proclamed before him, that men shulde bowe their knees vnto him, as to him who Pharao had set ouer the whole lande of Egipte. 44 And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I am Pharao: without thy wyll shall no man moue his hande or his fote in all the lade Egipte.