Genesis 24:15-20

Coverdale(i) 15 And or euer he had left of speakynge, beholde, Rebecca the doughter of Bethuel (which was the sonne of Milca, that was the wyfe of Nahor Abrahams brother) came forth, and bare a pytcher vpon hir shulder, 16 and she was a very fayre damsell of face, and yet a virgin, and vnknowne of eny man: She wente downe to the well, and fylled hir pitcher, and came vp agayne. 17 Then ranne the seruaunt to mete her, and sayde: Let me drynke a litle water out of yi pitcher. 18 And she sayde: drynke syr.And haistely let she downe the pitcher in hir hande, and gaue him drynke. 19 And whan she had geuen him drynke, she sayde: I wyll drawe for thy Camels also, tyll they haue dronke ynough. 20 And she made haist, and poured out hir pitcher in to the trough, and ranne agayne to the well to drawe, and drew for all his Camels.