Exodus 27:12-18

Coverdale(i) 12 But vpon the west syde the bredth of ye courte shal haue an hanginge of fiftie cubites longe, & ten pilers vpon ten sokettes. 13 Vpo the east syde also shal the bredth of the courte haue fiftie cubytes, 14 so that the hangynge haue vpon one syde fyftene cubites, and thre pilers vpo thre sokettes: 15 And vpon ye other syde fiftene cubytes also, and thre pilers vpo thre sokettes. 16 And in the courte gate there shalbe an hangynge twenty cubytes brode, of yalowe sylke, scarlet, purple, and whyte twyned sylke, wrought with nedle worke, and foure pilers vpon their foure sokettes. 17 All the pilers rounde aboute the courte shall haue syluer whopes, & syluer knoppes, & sokettes of brasse. 18 And the length of ye courte shal be an hudreth cubytes, the bredth fiftie cubytes, the heygth fyue cubytes, of whyte twyned sylke and ye sokettes therof shalbe of brasse.