Exodus 21:1-11

Coverdale(i) 1 These are the lawes, that thou shalt laye before them. 2 Yf thou bye a seruaunt that is an Hebrue, he shal serue the sixe yeares, in the seuenth yeare shall he go out fre and lowse. 3 Yf he came alone, then shal he go out alone also: but yf he came maried, then shall his wife go out with him. 4 Yf his master haue geue him a wife, & she haue borne him sonnes or doughters, the shal the wife and ye children be the masters, but he shall go out alone. 5 Neuertheles yf the seruaunt saye: I loue my master, and my wife and children, I wil not go out fre: 6 then let his master brynge him before the Goddes, and holde him to the dore or post, and bore him thorow the eare with a botkin, and let him be his seruaunt for euer. 7 Yf a man sell his doughter to be an handmayde, then shal she not go out as the menseruauntes. 8 But yf she please not hir master, and he haue not maried her, then shal he let her go fre: but to sell her vnto a strauge people he hath no auctorite, for so moch as he hath despysed her. 9 Yf he promyse her vnto his sonne, then shal he do vnto her after the lawe of doughters. 10 But yf he geue him another wife, then shall he mynishe nothinge of hir foode, rayment, and dewtye of mariage. 11 Yf he do not these thre, then shal she go out fre, and paye nothinge.