Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

Coverdale(i) 1 Every thinge hath a tyme, yee all that is vnder the heauen, hath is conuenient season. 2 There is a tyme to be borne, and a tyme to dye. There is a tyme to plate, and a tyme to plucke vp the thinge, yt is planted: 3 A tyme to slaye, and a tyme to make whole: A tyme to breake downe, and a tyme to buylde vp: 4 A tyme to wepe, and a tyme to laugh: A tyme to mourne, and a tyme to daunse: 5 A tyme to cast awaye stones, and a tyme to gather stones together: A tyme to enbrace, & a tyme to refrayne from enbracynge: 6 A tyme to wynne, and a tyme to lese: A tyme to spare, and a tyme to spende: 7 A tyme to cutt in peces, and a tyme to sowe together: A tyme to kepe sylece, and a tyme to speake: 8 A tyme to loue, & a tyme to hate: A tyme of warre, and a tyme of peace. 9 What hath a ma els (that doth eny thinge) but weerynesse and laboure? 10 For as touchinge the trauayle and carefulnesse which God hath geuen vnto me, I se that he hath geuen it them, to be exercised in it. 11 All this hath he ordened maruelous goodly, to euery thinge his due tyme. He hath plated ignoraunce also in the hertes of men, yt they shulde not fynde out ye grounde of his workes, which he doth from ye beginninge to ye ende.