2 Kings 10:10-14

Coverdale(i) 10 Vnderstonde ye now therfore, that there is not fallen vpon the earth one worde of the LORDE, which he spake agaynst the house of Achab: and the LORDE hath done, euen as he sayde by his seruaunt Elias. 11 So Iehu smote all the remnaunt of the house of Achab at Iesrael, all his greate men, his kynsfolkes, and his prestes, tyll there was not one lefte ouer. 12 And he gat him vp, wente his waye, and came to Samaria. By the waye there was a shepherdes house, 13 where Iehu founde the brethren of Ochosias kynge of Iuda, and sayde: Whence are ye? They sayde: We are Ochosias brethren, and are goynge downe to salute the kynges children, and the quenes children. 14 He sayde: Take them alyue. And they toke them alyue, and slewe them by the welles syde at the shepherdes house, euen two and fortye men, and let not one of them remayne.