2 Chronicles 7:11-22

Coverdale(i) 11 Thus fynished Salomo the house of ye LORDE, and the kinges house, and all yt came in his hert to make in the house of the LORDE, and in his awne house, prosperously. 12 And the LORDE appeared vnto Salomon in the nighte season, and sayde vnto him: I haue herde thy prayer and chosen this place vnto my selfe for an house of sacrifyce. 13 Beholde, whan I shut the heaue so yt it raine not, or commaunde the greshopper to cosume the londe, or cause a pestilence to come amonge my people, 14 to humble my people, which is named after my name: and yf they praye, and seke my face, and turne from their euell wayes, the wyl I heare them from heauen, and wyll forgeue their sinne, and heale their londe. 15 So shal myne eyes now be open, and myne eares shal be attente vnto prayer in this place. 16 Thus haue I now chosen this house, and sanctifyed it, that my name maye be there for euer: and myne eyes and my hert shal allwaye be there. 17 And yf thou walke before me, as thy father Dauid walked, so that thou do all that I commaunde the, and kepe myne ordinauces and lawes, 18 then wyll I stablishe the seate of thy kyngdome, acordynge as I promysed thy father Dauid, and sayde: Thou shalt not wante a man to be lorde ouer Israel. 19 But yf ye turne backe, and forsake myne ordynaunces and commaundemetes which I haue layed before you, and so go youre waye, and serue other goddes, and worshippe them, 20 the wyll I rote you out of my londe that I haue geuen you: and this house which I haue sanctifyed vnto my name, wil I cast awaye out of my presence, and geue it ouer to be a byworde and fabell amoge all nacions. 21 And euery one that goeth by, shall be astonnyed at this hye house, and shall hysse at it, and saye: Wherfore hath the LORDE dealte thus with this londe and with this house? 22 Then shall it be sayde: Euen because they haue forsaken the LORDE God of their fathers (which brought them out of the londe of Egipte) & haue cleued vnto other goddes, & worshipped them, and serued the: therfore hath he brought all this euell vpon the.