2 Chronicles 24:8-14

Coverdale(i) 8 Then commaunded the kynge to make a chest, and to set it without at the intraunce of the house of the LORDE: 9 & caused it to be proclamed in Iuda and Ierusale, that they shulde bringe in to the LORDE, the colleccio, which Moses the seruaut of God appointed vnto Israel in ye wildernes. 10 The were all ye rulers glad, & so were all ye people, & brought it, and cast it in to the chest, tyll it was full. 11 And whan the tyme was yt the Leuites shulde brynge the Arke at ye kinges comaundement (whan they sawe yt there was moch money therin) then came the kinges scrybe, & he yt was appoynted of the chefe prest, and emptyed the chest, and caried it againe in to his place. Thus dyd they euery daye, so that they gathered moch money together. 12 And ye kinge & Ioiada gaue it vnto ye workmasters of ye house of the LORDE, and they hired masons & carpenters to repayre the house of ye LORDE, and men that coulde worke in yron and brasse, to repayre the house of ye LORDE. 13 And the labourers wrought, so that ye repairinge in ye worke wente forwarde thorow their hande, and they set the house of God in his bewtye, and made it stronge. 14 And whan they had perfourmed this, they brought the resydue of the money before the kynge and Ioiada, wherof there were made vessels for the house of the LORDE, vessels for the ministracion and burntofferinge, spones and ornamentes of golde and siluer. And they offred burntofferynges allwaye in the house of the LORDE, as longe as Ioiada lyued.