2 Chronicles 20:6-12

Coverdale(i) 6 and sayde: O LORDE God of oure fathers, art not thou God in heauen, and hast domynion in all the kyngdomes of the Heythen? And in thy hande is strength and power, and there is no man that can withstode the. 7 Hast not thou or God expelled the inhabiters of this londe before thy people of Israel? and hast geue it vnto the sede of Abraham thy louer for euer? 8 so that they haue dwelt in it, & haue buylded the a Sanctuary vnto yi name therin, and sayde: 9 Yf there come eny plage, swerde, iudgmet, pestilence, or derth vpon vs, we wyll stonde before this house euen before the (for thy name is in this house) and wyll crye vnto the in oure trouble, and thou shalt heare, and shalt saue vs. 10 Beholde now, the children of Ammon, of Moab, & they of mount Seir, vpon whom thou woldest not suffre the children of Israel to go, whan they wente out of the londe of Egipte, but they were fayne to departe from the, and not to destroye them: 11 and beholde, they deale contrarely with vs, and come to thrust vs out of the inheritaunce, that thou hast geuen vs in possession. 12 O oure God, wylt thou not iudge them? For in vs is no strength to withstonde this greate multitude that commeth agaynst vs. We knowe not what we shulde do, but oure eyes loke vnto the.