2 Chronicles 16:1-6

Coverdale(i) 1 In the sixe and thirtieth yeare of ye reigne of Asa, wente Baesa the kynge of Israel vp agaynst Iuda, and buylded Rama, to let Asa the kynge of Iuda, yt he shulde not go out and in: 2 But Asa toke forth the treasure in the house of the LORDE, and the syluer and golde in the kynges house, and sent it vnto Benadad ye kynge of Syria, which dwelt at Damascon, and caused to saye vnto him: 3 There is a couenaunt betwene me and the, betwene my father and thy father, therfore haue I sent ye syluer and golde, that thou mayest breake ye couenaunt with Baesa the kynge of Israel, that he maye departe fro me, 4 Benadad herkened vnto kynge Asa, and sent his hoost agaynst the cities of Israel, which smote Eion, Dan and Abel Maim, and all the corne cities of Nephtali. 5 Whan Baesa herde that, he lefte of from buyldinge Rama, and ceassed from his worke. 6 But kynge Asa toke all Iuda vnto him, and caried awaye ye stones and tymber (wherwith Baesa buylded) and he buylded Geba & Mizpa withall.