2 Chronicles 12:2-9

Coverdale(i) 2 And in the fyfth yeare of Roboam wete Sisack the kynge of Egipte vp agaynst Ierusalem (for they had transgressed agaynst the LORDE) 3 with a thousande and two hundreth charettes, and with thre score thousande horsmen, and the people were innumerable that came with him out of Egipte, Libya, Suchim & out of Ethiopia, 4 and he wanne the stroge cities that were in Iuda, and came to Ierusalem. 5 Then came Semaia ye prophet vnto Roboam and to ye rulers of Iuda (which were gathered together at Ierusalem for Sisack) & sayde vnto them: Thus sayeth ye LORDE: Ye haue lefte me, therfore haue I lefte you also in Sisacks hande. 6 The the rulers in Israel with the kynge submytted them selues, and sayde: The LORDE is righteous. 7 But wha the LORDE sawe yt they hubled them selues, ye worde of the LORDE came to Semaia, & sayde: They haue humbled them selues, therfore wyl I not destroye them, but I wyl geue them a litle delyueraunce, that my indignacion fall not vpon Ierusalem by Sisack: 8 for they shalbe subdued vnto him, yt they maye knowe what it is to serue me, & to serue the kyngdomes of the worlde. 9 Thus wete Sisack the kynge of Egipte vp to Ierusalem, & toke the treasures in the house of the LORDE, & the treasures in the kynges house, and caried all awaye, and toke the shyldes of golde that Salomon caused to make: