1 Thessalonians 5:2-6

Coverdale(i) 2 For ye youre selues knowe perfectly, that the daye of the LORDE shal come euen as a thefe in the nighte. 3 For whan they shal saye: Tush, It is peace, there is no daunger, then shall soden destruccion come vpo the, euen as the payne of a woman trauaylinge with childe, and they shal not escape. 4 But ye brethren are not in darknes, that that daye shulde come on you as a thefe. 5 Ye are alltogether children of lighte, and children of the daye. We are not of the night, nether of darknesse. 6 Therfore let vs not slepe as do other, but let vs watch, and be sober.