1 Samuel 19:10-17

Coverdale(i) 10 And Saul thought with the iauelinge to sticke Dauid fast to the wall. Howbeit, he wente asyde fro Saul and the iauelynge smote in the wall. And Dauid fled, and escaped that night. 11 Notwithstondinge Saul sent his messaungers to Dauids house, that they shulde laye wayte for him, and kyll him in the mornynge. Michol Dauids wyfe tolde him this, and sayde: Yf thou saue not thy soule this night, thou shalt dye tomorow. 12 Then Michol let him downe thorow the wyndow, so that he wente his waye, fled, and escaped. 13 And Mickol toke an ymage, and layed it in the bed, and laied a goates skinne at the heade of it, and couered it with clothes. 14 Then Saul sent messaugers, to fetch Dauid. But she sayde: He is sicke. 15 Neuerthelesse Saul sent messaungers to se Dauid, & sayde: Bringe him vp to me with the bed, that he maye be slayne. 16 Now whan the messaungers came, beholde, the ymage laye in the bed, and a goates skynne at the heade of it. 17 Then sayde Saul vnto Michol: Why hast thou begyled me, and let myne enemye go, that he mighte escape? Michol sayde vnto Saul: He sayde vnto me: Let me go, or I wyl kyll the.