1 Kings 3:5-15

Coverdale(i) 5 And the LORDE appeared vnto Salomon at Gibeon in a dreame of the nighte, and God sayde: Axe what I shal geue ye. 6 Salomo saide: Thou hast done greate mercy vnto my father Dauid thy seruaunt. Like as he walked before the in faithfulnes and righteousnes, and in a true hert with the, & this greate mercy hast thou layed vp for him, and geuen him a sonne to syt vpon his seate, as it is now come to passe. 7 Now LORDE my God, thou hast made thy seruaunt kynge in my father Dauids steade: As for me, I am but a small yonge man, knowynge nether my outgoynge ner ingoynge. 8 And thy seruaunt is amonge the people whom thou hast chosen: which is so greate, that no man can nombre them ner descrybe them for multitude. 9 Geue thy seruaunt therfore an obedient hert, that he maye iudge thy people, & vnderstonde what is good & bad: for who is able to iudge this thy mightie people? 10 This pleased the LORDE well, that Salomon axed soch a peticion. 11 And God sayde vnto him: For so moch as thou axest this, and desyrest not longe lyfe, nether riches, nether ye soules of thine enemies, but vnderstodinge to heare iudgment, 12 beholde, therfore haue I done acordynge to thy wordes. Beholde, I haue geuen the an hert of wy?dome and vnderstondynge, so that soch one as thou hath not bene before the, nether shall ryse vp after the. 13 Yee and that thou hast not prayed for, haue I geuen the also, namely, ryches, and honoure, so that amonge the kynges in yi tyme there is not soch one as thou. 14 And yf thou wilt walke in my wayes, so that thou kepe myne ordinaunces and lawes, as Dauid thy father hath walked, then wyll I geue the a longe lyfe. 15 And whan Salomon awaked, beholde, it was a dreame, and he came to Ierusale, and stode before the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, and offred burntofferynges, and healthofferinges, and made a greate feast vnto his seruauntes.