1 Kings 2:13-25

Coverdale(i) 13 But Adonias the sonne of Hagith came in to Bethseba Salomons mother. And she sayde: Is thy commynge peaceable? He spake: Yee, 14 and sayde: I haue somwhat to saye to the. She sayde: Saye on. 15 He sayde: Thou knowest that the kyngdome was myne, and that all Israel had sett them selues vpon me, that I shulde be kynge, but now is the kyngdome turned, and become my brothers: for he hath it of the LORDE. 16 Now desyre I one peticion of the, Make not my face ashamed. She sayde vnto him: Saye on. 17 He sayde: Speake vnto kynge Salomon (for he shall not shame thy face) that he maye geue me Abisag to wyfe. 18 Bethseba sayde: Wel, I wil speake to the kynge for the. 19 And Bethseba came in to kynge Salomon to speake with him. And the kynge stode vp, and wente to mete her, and worshipped her, and sat him downe vpon his seate. And there was a chayre set for the kynges mother, so that she sat at his righte hande. 20 And she sayde: One peticion desyre I of the make not my face ashamed. The kynge saydt: Axe O my mother, I wyl not shame thy face. 21 She saide: Let Abisag of Sunem be geuen thy brother Adonias to wyfe. 22 Then answered kynge Salomon, and saide vnto his mother: Why desyrest thou Abisag of Sunem for Adonias? Axe the kyngdome or him also, for he is my greater brother, and hath Abiathar the prest, and Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia. 23 And the kynge sware by the LORDE, and sayde: God do this and that vnto me, Adonias shall haue spoken this agaynst his lyfe. 24 And now as truly as the LORDE lyueth which hath ordeyned me, and made me to syt vpon the seate of my father Dauid, and hath made me a house ( acordynge as he sayde) this daye shal Adonias dye. 25 And kynge Salomon sent thither by Benaia the sonne of Ioiada, which smote him that he dyed.