1 Kings 10:2-13

Coverdale(i) 2 And she came to Ierusalem with a maruelous greate trayne, with camels which bare spyces, and moch golde, and precious stones And whan she came in to kynge Salomon, she spake vnto him all that was in hir hert. 3 And Salomon tolde her euerythinge, and the kynge had nothinge in secrete, but he tolde it her. 4 But whan the Quene of riche Arabia sawe all the wy?dome of Salomon, and the house that he had buylded, 5 and the meates of his table, and the dwellinges of his seruauntes, & the offyces of his ministers, and their garmentes, and his butlers and the burntofferynges which he offred in the house of the LORDE, she wondred exceadingly, and coulde no longer refrayne, 6 but sayde vnto the kynge: It is true that I haue herde in my londe of thy behauoure and of thy wy?dome. 7 And I wolde not beleue it, tyll I came and sawe it with myne eyes: and beholde, the halfe hath not bene tolde me. hou hast more wy?dome and good, the the fame is that I haue herde. 8 Happye are thy people and thy seruauntes, that allwaie stonde before the, and heare thy wy?dome. 9 Praysed be the LORDE thy God, which had soch a pleasure vnto the, that he set the vpon the seate of Israel: because he hath allwaye loued Israel, and hath set the to be kynge, that thou shuldest mantayne iustyce and equyte. 10 And she gaue the kynge syxe score hundreth weighte of golde, and very moch spyce, and precious stones. There came neuer so moch spyce thyther, as the Quene of riche Arabia gaue vnto kynge Salomon. 11 And Hirams shippes, which caried golde out of Ophir, broughte maruelous moch costly tymber and precious stones from Ophir. 12 And of that costly tymber the kynge caused to make pilers in the house of the LORDE, and in ye kinges house, and harpes and Psalteries for the Musicians. There came nomore soch costly tymber, nether was it sene vnto this daye. 13 And kynge Salomon gaue the quene of riche Arabia, all that she desyred and axed, besydes that which he gaue her of a frye hande. And she returned, and departed in to hir lande with hir seruauntes.