1 Chronicles 9:17-27

Coverdale(i) 17 The porters were: Sallum, Acub, Talmon, Ahiman, with their brethren, and Sallum the chefest: 18 for hither to had the children of Leui kepte the watch at the eastsyde of the kinges gate by armies. 19 And Sallum the sonne of Core, the sonne of Abiassaph, the sonne of Corah, and his brethren of his fathers house. The Corahytes were in the worke of the seruyce, to kepe the thresholdes of the Tabernacle: and their fathers in the hoost of the LORDE, to kepe the intraunce. 20 Phineas the sonne of Eleasar was the prynce ouer them, because the LORDE had bene with him before. 21 Sacharia the sonne of Meselemia was keper at the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse. 22 All these were chosen out to be kepers of the thresholdes euen two hundreth and twolue. These were nombred in their vyllages. And Dauid and Samuel the Seer fouded them thorow their faith, 23 that they and their children shulde kepe the house of the LORDE, namely to kepe the watch of ye house of the Tabernacle. 24 These dorekepers were appointed towarde the foure wyndes, towarde the East, towarde the West, towarde the North, towarde ye South. 25 But their brethre were in their vyllages, that they might come allwaye on the seuenth daye to be with them: 26 for vnto these foure maner of chefe dorrkepers were the Leuites committed. And they had the ouersight of the chestes and treasures in ye house of God. 27 In the nighte season also remayned they aboute the house of God: for their dewtye was to geue attendaunce to open euery mornynge.