1 Chronicles 5:18-21

Coverdale(i) 18 The children of Ruben, the Gaddites & the halfe trybe of Manasses (of soch as were fightinge men, which wayre shylde & swerde, and coulde bende the bowe, and were men of armes) were foure and fortye thousande and seuen hundreth and thre score, that wente forth to ye warre. 19 And whan they foughte agaynst ye Agarites, Ietur, Naphes and Nodab 20 helped them, and delyuered ye Agarites in to their handes, and all that was wt them: for they cried vnto God in ye batayll. And he herde them, because they put their trust in him. 21 And they caried awaie their catell, fyue thousande Camels, two hundreth & fyftie thousande shepe, two thousande Asses, and an hudreth thousande soules of men.