Psalms 116:1-19

CLV(i) 1 I love Him because Yahweh has heard My voice, my supplications;" 2 For He has stretched out His ear to me, And I shall call on Him throughout all my days." 3 The cables of death have enveloped me, And the constrictions of the unseen, they have converged upon me; I found distress and affliction." 4 Then I called on the Name of Yahweh, Oh Yahweh, do make a way of escape for my soul." 5 Gracious is Yahweh and righteous, And our Elohim is compassionate;" 6 The One guarding the simple is Yahweh; I was impoverished, and He saved me." 7 Return to your rest, my soul, For Yahweh, He has dealt bountifully with you." 8 Indeed, You have extricated my soul from death, My eye from tears, My feet from foundering." 9 I shall walk before Yahweh In the land of the living. 10 I believe; wherefore I am speaking:I am very much humbled; 11 I said in my consternation, Every human is a liar." 12 What can I restore to Yahweh For all His bountiful dealings toward me? 13 I shall take up the cup of salvation And call on the Name of Yahweh. 14 I shall pay my vows to Yahweh Straight in front of all His people. 15 Precious in the eyes of Yahweh Is the death of His benign ones. 16 Oh Yahweh, seeing that I am Your servant, I am Your servant, son of Your maidservant, You have opened up my bonds;" 17 I shall sacrifice to You a sacrifice of acclamation And call on the Name of Yahweh. 18 I shall pay my vows to Yahweh Straight in front of all His people, 19 In the courts of Yahweh's House, In your midst, Jerusalem. Praise Yah."