John 9:25-38

CLV(i) 25 He, then, answered, "If He is a sinner, I am not aware of it. One thing I am aware of, that, being blind, at present I am observing." 26 They said, then, to him, again, "What does he do to you? How does he open your eyes? 27 He answered them, "I told you already, and you do not hear. Why again are you wanting to hear? Not you also are wanting to become His disciples? 28 Now they revile him and said, "You are a disciple of that man, yet we are disciples of Moses." 29 We are aware that it was to Moses that God has spoken. Yet this man - we are not aware whence he is." 30 The man answered and said to them, "For in this is the marvelous thing, that you are not aware whence He is, and He opens my eyes!" 31 We are aware that God is not hearing sinners, but if anyone should be a reverer of God and doing His will, him He is hearing." 32 From out of the eon it is not heard that anyone opens the eyes of one born blind. 33 Except this Man were from God, He could not be doing anything." 34 They answered and say to him, "You were wholly born in sins, and you are teaching us!And they cast him out." 35 Jesus hears that they cast him out, and, finding him, said to him, "Are you believing in the Son of Mankind? 36 He answered and said, "And Who is He, Lord, that I should be believing in Him? 37 Now Jesus said to him, "You have also seen Him, and He Who is speaking with you is He." 38 Now he averred, "I am believing, Lord!And he worships Him."