Isaiah 63:7-14

CLV(i) 7 The kindnesses of Yahweh will I mention, the praises of Yahweh, according to all which Yahweh requites us, and the vast good to the house of Israel which He requites them, according to His compassions, and according to His many kindnesses." 8 And saying is He, "Yea, My people are they, sons who are not dealing falsely.And He is becoming their Saviour, 9 in all their distress He is not a foe, not an agent or a messenger, but His presence saved them. In His love, and by His sparing, He, He redeems them, and He will transport and assist them all the days of the eon." 10 Yet they rebelled and grieved His holy spirit, and He is turning into their enemy, and He fights against them." 11 Yet He will remember the days of the eon of Moses and His people. Where is He Who brought them up from the sea with the shepherd of His flock? Where is He Who placed within them His holy spirit, 12 conducting them by the right hand of Moses, His glorious arm rending the water before them, to make for Himself a name eonian, 13 conducting them in the submerged chaos? As a horse in the wilderness, they are not stumbling." 14 As a beast into a valley is descending, the spirit of Yahweh is guiding them to rest. So lead You Your people, to make for Yourself a name of beauty."