Leviticus 15

  1 H3068 And the Lord H1696 spoke H4872 unto Moses H175 and to Aaron, H559 saying,
  2 H1696 Speak H1121 unto the sons H3478 of Israel, H559 and say H376 unto them, When any H376 man H2100 has a running issue H1320 out of his flesh, H2101 because of his issue H2931 he is unclean.
  3 H2932 And this shall be his uncleanness H2101 in his issue: H1320 whether his flesh H7325 run H2101 with his issue, H1320 or his flesh H2856 be stopped H2101 from his issue, H2932 it is his uncleanness.
  4 H4904 Every bed, H7901 whereon he lies H2100 that has the issue, H2930 is unclean: H3627 and every thing, H3427 whereon he sits, H2930 shall be unclean.
  5 H376 And whoever H5060 touches H4904 his bed H3526 shall wash H899 his clothes, H7364 and bathe H4325 himself in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  6 H3427 And he that sits H3627 on any thing H3427 whereon he sat H2100 that has the issue H3526 shall wash H899 his clothes, H7364 and bathe H4325 himself in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  7 H5060 And he that touches H1320 the flesh H2100 of him that has the issue H3526 shall wash H899 his clothes, H7364 and bathe H4325 himself in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  8 H2100 And if he that has the issue H7556 spit H2889 upon him that is clean; H3526 then he shall wash H899 his clothes, H7364 and bathe H4325 himself in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  9 H4817 And whatever saddle H7392 he rideth H2100 upon that has the issue H2930 shall be unclean.
  10 H5060 And whoever touches H2930 any thing that was under him shall be unclean H6153 until the evening: H5375 and he that carries H3526 any of those things shall wash H899 his clothes, H7364 and bathe H4325 himself in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  11 H5060 And whomever he touches H2100 that has the issue, H7857 and has not rinsed H3027 his hands H4325 in water, H3526 he shall wash H899 his clothes, H7364 and bathe H4325 himself in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  12 H3627 And the vessel H2789 of earth, H5060 that he touches H2100 which has the issue, H7665 shall be broken: H3627 and every vessel H6086 of wood H7857 shall be rinsed H4325 in water.
  13 H2100 And when he that has an issue H2891 is cleansed H2101 of his issue; H5608 then he shall number H7651 to himself seven H3117 days H2893 for his cleansing, H3526 and wash H899 his clothes, H7364 and bathe H1320 his flesh H2416 in running H4325 water, H2891 and shall be clean.
  14 H8066 And on the eighth H3117 day H3947 he shall take H8147 to him two H8449 turtledoves, H8147 or two H1121 young H3123 pigeons, H935 and come H6440 before H3068 the Lord H6607 unto the door H168 of the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation, H5414 and give H3548 them unto the priest:
  15 H3548 And the priest H6213 shall offer H259 them, the one H2403 for a sin offering, H259 and the other H5930 for a burnt offering; H3548 and the priest H3722 shall make an atonement H6440 for him before H3068 the Lord H2101 for his issue.
  16 H376 And if any man's H2233 seed H7902 of copulation H3318 go out H7364 from him, then he shall wash H1320 all his flesh H4325 in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  17 H899 And every garment, H5785 and every skin, H2233 whereon is the seed H7902 of copulation, H3526 shall be washed H4325 with water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  18 H802 The woman H376 also with whom man H7901 shall lie H2233 with seed H7902 of copulation, H7364 they shall both bathe H4325 themselves in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  19 H802 And if a woman H2100 have an issue, H2101 and her issue H1320 in her flesh H1818 be blood, H5079 she shall be put apart H7651 seven H3117 days: H5060 and whoever touches H2930 her shall be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  20 H7901 And every thing that she lies H5079 upon in her separation H2930 shall be unclean: H3427 every thing also that she sits H2930 upon shall be unclean.
  21 H5060 And whoever touches H4904 her bed H3526 shall wash H899 his clothes, H7364 and bathe H4325 himself in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  22 H5060 And whoever touches H3627 any thing H3427 that she sat H3526 upon shall wash H899 his clothes, H7364 and bathe H4325 himself in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  23 H4904 And if it be on her bed, H3627 or on any thing H3427 whereon she sits, H5060 when he touches H2930 it, he shall be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  24 H376 And if any man H7901 lie H7901 with her at all, H5079 and her flow H2930 be upon him, he shall be unclean H7651 seven H3117 days; H4904 and all the bed H7901 whereon he crouches H2930 shall be unclean.
  25 H802 And if a woman H2100 have H2101 an issue H1818 of her blood H7227 many H3117 days H3808 out H6256 of the time H5079 of her separation, H2100 or if it run H5921 beyond the time H5079 of her separation; H3117 all the days H2101 of the issue H2932 of her uncleanness H3117 shall be as the days H5079 of her separation: H2931 she shall be unclean.
  26 H4904 Every bed H7901 whereon she lies H3117 all the days H2101 of her issue H4904 shall be unto her as the bed H5079 of her separation: H3627 and whatever H3427 she sits H2931 upon shall be unclean, H2932 as the uncleanness H5079 of her separation.
  27 H5060 And whoever touches H2930 those things shall be unclean, H3526 and shall wash H899 his clothes, H7364 and bathe H4325 himself in water, H2930 and be unclean H6153 until the evening.
  28 H2891 But if she be cleansed H2101 of her issue, H5608 then she shall number H7651 to herself seven H3117 days, H310 and after H2891 that she shall be clean.
  29 H8066 And on the eighth H3117 day H3947 she shall take H8147 unto her two H8449 turtles, H8147 or two H1121 young H3123 pigeons, H935 and bring H3548 them unto the priest, H6607 to the door H168 of the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation.
  30 H3548 And the priest H6213 shall offer H259 the one H2403 for a sin offering, H259 and the other H5930 for a burnt offering; H3548 and the priest H3722 shall make an atonement H6440 for her before H3068 the Lord H2101 for the issue H2932 of her uncleanness.
  31 H5144 Thus shall you separate H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel H2932 from their uncleanness; H4191 that they die H2932 not in their uncleanness, H2930 when they defile H4908 my tabernacle H8432 that is among them.
  32 H8451 This is the law H2100 of him that has an issue, H2233 and of him whose seed H3318 goes H2930 from him, and is defiled with it
  33 H1739 And of her that is sick H5079 of her flow, H2100 and of him that has H2101 an issue, H2145 of the man, H5347 and of the woman, H376 and of him H7901 that lies H2931 with her that is unclean.