Isaiah 30:28-33

CAB(i) 28 And His breath, as rushing water in a valley, shall reach as far as the neck, and be divided, to confound the nations for their vain error; error also shall pursue them, and overtake them. 29 Must you always rejoice, and go into My holy places continually, as they that keep a feast? And must you go with a flute, as those that rejoice, into the mountain of the Lord, to the God of Israel? 30 And the Lord shall make His glorious voice to be heard, and the wrath of His outstretched arm, to make a display with wrath and anger and devouring flame; He shall lighten terribly, and His wrath shall be as water and violent hail. 31 For by the voice of the Lord the Assyrians shall be overcome, even by the stroke in which He shall smite them. 32 And it shall happen to him from every side, that they from whom their hope of assistance was, in which he trusted, themselves shall war against Him in turn with drums and with harps. 33 For you shall be required before your time; has it been prepared for you also to reign? No, God has prepared for you a deep trench, wood piled, fire and much wood; the wrath of the Lord shall be as a trench kindled with sulphur.