Sirach 39

Bishops(i) 1 He that applieth his mynde to vnderstande the lawe of God, doth diligently seke out the wysdome of them of the olde time, and exerciseth hym selfe in the prophetes. 2 He kepeth the sayinges of famous men, and preasseth to the vnderstanding of darke sentences of wysdome. 3 He seketh out the misterie of secrete sayinges, and exerciseth himselfe therin continually. 4 He doth seruice among great men, and appeareth before the prince: he goeth into a straunge countrey, and trauayleth thorowe it: loke what good or euyll is among men, he proueth and seketh it out. 5 He purposeth in his heart to resort early vnto the Lord that made him, and to pray before the highest God: he openeth his mouth in prayer, and prayeth for his sinnes. 6 When the great Lorde will, he shalbe filled with the spirite of vnderstanding, that he may then powre out wyse sentences, and geue thankes vnto the Lord in his prayer. 7 He shall order his deuice, and leade his knowledge a right, and geue him vnderstanding of secrete thinges. 8 He shall shewe foorth the science of his learning, and reioyce in the couenaunt of the lawe of the Lorde: 9 The whole congregation shall commende his wysdome, and it shall neuer be put out: the remembraunce of hym shall neuer be forgotten, and his name shal continue from one generation to an other. 10 His wysdome shalbe spoken of among the people, and the whole congregation shall openly declare his prayse. 11 While he liueth, he hath a greater name then a thousand beside: and after death, the same name remayneth vnto hym. 12 Yet will I speake of mo men of vnderstanding, for I am ful as the moone. 13 Hearken vnto me ye holy vertuous children, bring foorth fruite as the rose that is planted by the brookes of the fielde, 14 And geue ye a sweete smell as incense, florishe as the rose garden, sing a song of prayse, O geue thankes vnto God ouer all his workes: 15 Geue magnificence vnto his name, and set hym foorth in his prayse with your lippes, & with musicke and harmonie: Yea euen with the song of your lippes, with harpes and playing, and in geuing thankes vnto him, say after this maner: 16 All the workes of the Lord are exceeding good, & all his commaundementes are meete and conuenient in due season. 17 A man neede not to say, what is that? what is that? for at a time conuenient they shall all be sought: At his commaundement the water was as a wall, and at the worde of his mouth the water stoode still. 18 In his commaundement is euery thing acceptable and reconciled, and his health can not be minished. 19 The workes of all fleshe are before him, and there is nothing hyd from his eyes. 20 He seeth from euerlasting to euerlasting, and there is nothing to wonderful or hye vnto hym. 21 A man neede not to say then, what is this, or that? for he hath made al thinges to do good vnto man. 22 His blessing shall run ouer as the streame, and moysture the earth lyke a fludde of water. 23 Like as he maketh the drouth: so shall his wrath fall vpon the heathen. 24 His wayes are playne and right vnto the iust: but the vngodly stumble at them. 25 For the good, are good thinges created from the beginning, & euyll thinges for the vngodly. 26 All thinges necessarie for the lyfe of man are created from the beginning: water, fire, iron, and salt, meale, wheate, and hony, milke, and wine, oyle and clothing: 27 All these thinges are created for the best to the faythfull: but to the vngodly shall all these thinges be turned to hurt and harme. 28 There be spirites that are created for vengeaunce, and in their rigorousnesse haue they fastened their tormentes: In the time of the ende they shall poure out their strength, and pacifie the wrath of him that made them. 29 Fire, hayle, hunger, and death: al these thinges are created for vengeaunce. 30 The teeth of wilde noysome beastes, the scorpions, serpentes, and the sworde, are created also for vengeaunce, to the destruction of the vngodly. 31 They shalbe glad to do his commaundementes, and when neede is, they shalbe redy vpon earth: and when their houre is come, they shall not ouerpasse the commaundement of the Lorde. 32 Therfore haue I taken a good courage vnto me from the beginning, and haue thought to put these thinges in writing, and to leaue them behinde me: 33 All the workes of the Lorde are good, and he geueth euery one in due season, and when neede is. 34 So that no man neede not to say: This is worse then that: for in due season they are all pleasaunt and good. 35 And therefore prayse the Lorde with whole heart and mouth, & geue thankes vnto his name.