Psalms 78:3-8

Bishops(i) 3 Which we haue hearde and knowen: and such as our fathers haue tolde vs 4 We wyll not hyde them from their children: nay we wyll set foorth in wordes to the generation to come, the prayses of God, and his myght and wonderfull workes that he hath done 5 For he reuiued a statute in Iacob, and gaue Israel a lawe: in the whiche he commaunded our forefathers to teache their children 6 To the intent the posteritie shoulde knowe it, [and] children whiche shalbe borne: that they shoulde ryse vp and declare it to their children 7 That they shoulde put their trust in God, and not forget the workes of God: but kepe his commaundementes 8 And that they be not as their forefathers [were] a rebellious and a mutable generation: a generation that directed not their heart aright, and whose spirite cleaued not stedfastly vnto God