Psalms 72:16-19

Bishops(i) 16 A handfull of corne shall [be sowed] in the earth vpon the toppe of hylles: and the fruite therof shall make a noyse lyke Libanus, and shall florishe in the citie lyke grasse vpon the earth 17 His name shall endure for euer, his name shalbe spread abrode to the world so long as the sunne shall shyne: all nations shalbe blessed in hym, and shall call hym blessed 18 Blessed be God the Lorde: the Lorde of Israel which only doth wonderous thynges 19 (72:19a) And blessed be the name of his maiestie for euer: and all the earth shalbe fylled with his maiestie. Amen, Amen