Nehemiah 5:1-5

Bishops(i) 1 And there arose a great complaynt of the people and their wyues against their brethre the Iewes 2 For there were some that saide, Our sonnes and daughters and we are very many: therefore wyll we take corne for them, that we may eate and liue 3 Some also there were that saide: Let vs set our landes, vineyardes, and houses to pledge, and take vp corne in the dearth 4 But some there were that saide: We haue borowed money for the kinges tribute, and that vpon our landes & vineyardes 5 And now our fleshe is as the fleshe of our brethren, and our children as their children: and loe we bring into subiection our sonnes and our daughters as seruauntes, and some of our daughters are subdued vnto bondage alredie, and no strength is there in our handes to redeeme them, and other men haue our landes and vineyardes