Nehemiah 4:13-20

Bishops(i) 13 Therefore set I the people after their kinredes, with their swordes, speares, and bowes, beneath in the lowe places behinde the wall vpon the toppes of the stones 14 And I loked, and gat me vp, and sayde vnto the chiefe men, to the rulers, and to the other people, Be not ye afrayde of them: but thinke rather vpon the great Lorde whiche ought to be feared, and fight for your brethre, your sonnes, your daughters, your wiues, & your houses 15 Neuerthelesse, when our enemies heard that we had gotten worde of it, God brought their counsell to naught: and we turned all againe to the wall, euery one vnto his labour 16 And from that time foorth, the halfe part of the young men dyd the labour, and the other halfe part of them helde the speares, shieldes, bowes, and brestplates: and the rulers stoode behinde all the house of Iuda 17 They which buylded on the wall and they that bare burthens, and those that laded them, with one hande did euery one his worke, and with the other helde his weapon 18 For euery one that buylded had his sword girded by his thingh, and so buylded they: And he that blewe the trumpet was beside me 19 And I saide vnto the principall men, to the rulers, and to the other people: The worke is great and large, & we are seperated vpon the wall one farre from another 20 Loke in what place therefore ye heare the noyse of the trumpet, resort ye thither vnto vs, and our God shall fight for vs