Matthew 24:4-24

Bishops(i) 4 And Iesus aunswered, and sayde vnto them: take heede, that no man deceaue you 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christe: and shall deceaue many 6 Ye shal heare of warres, & rumours of warres: See that you be not troubled. For all [these thynges] must come to passe, but the ende is not yet 7 Nation shall ryse agaynst nation, and realme agaynst realme: and there shalbe pestilence, and famine, and earthquakes, in [certayne] places 8 All these are the begynnynges of sorowes 9 Then shall they put you to trouble, and shall kyll you, and ye shalbe hated of all nations for my names sake 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another 11 And many false prophetes shall aryse, and shall deceaue many 12 And because iniquitie shall abounde, the loue of many shall waxe colde 13 But he that endureth to the ende, the same shalbe saued 14 And this Gospell of the kyngdome, shalbe preached in all the worlde, for a witnesse vnto all nations: and then shall the ende come 15 When ye therefore, shall see the abhomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophete, stande in the holy place, (who so readeth, let hym vnderstande. 16 Then let them which be in Iurie, flee into the mountaynes 17 And let hym which is on the house toppe, not come downe to fet any thyng out of his house 18 Neither let hym which is in the fielde, returne backe to fetche his clothes 19 Wo shalbe in those dayes, to them that are with chylde, and to them that geue sucke 20 But pray [ye] that your flyght be not in the Winter, neither on the Sabboth day 21 For then shalbe great tribulation, such as was not since the begynnyng of the worlde, to this tyme, nor shalbe 22 Yea, and except those dayes shoulde be shortened, there shoulde no fleshe be saued: but for the chosens sake, those dayes shalbe shortened 23 Then yf any man saye vnto you: lo, here is Christe, or there: beleue it not 24 For there shall aryse false Christes, and false prophetes, and shall shewe great signes, and wonders: In so much, that yf it were possible, the very elect, shoulde be deceaued