Matthew 15:32-39

Bishops(i) 32 Then Iesus called his disciples vnto hym, and sayde: I haue compassion on the people, because they continue with me nowe three dayes, and haue nothing to eate: and I wyll not let them depart fastyng, lest they faynt in the way 33 And his disciples say vnto hym: whence [shoulde we get] so much bread in the wyldernesse, as to suffise so great a multitude 34 And Iesus sayeth vnto them: howe many loaues haue ye? And they say, seuen, and a fewe litle fisshes 35 And he commaunded the people to sit downe on the grounde 36 And toke the seuen loaues, and the fisshes: and after that he had geuen thankes, he brake them, and gaue to his disciples, and the disciples gaue them to the people 37 And they dyd all eate, and were suffised: And they toke vp, of the broken meate that was left, seuen baskets full 38 And yet they that did eate, were foure thousande men, besyde women and chyldren 39 And he sent away the people, and toke shippe, and came into the parties of Magdala