Mark 9:14-29

Bishops(i) 14 And when he came to his disciples, he sawe much people about them, and the scribes disputyng with them 15 And strayghtway all the people, whe they behelde hym, were amased, & ran to hym, and saluted hym 16 And he asked the scribes, what dispute ye with them 17 And one of the companie aunswered, & sayde: Maister, I haue brought vnto thee my sonne, whiche hath a dumbe spirite 18 And whensoeuer he taketh hym, he teareth hym, & he fometh, and gnasheth with his teeth, & pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples, that they should cast hym out, and they coulde not 19 He aunswereth hym, and sayth: O faythlesse nation, howe long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? Bryng hym vnto me 20 And they brought him vnto him: And when he sawe hym, strayghtway the spirite tare hym: And he fell downe on the grounde, wallowyng and fomyng 21 And he asketh his father, howe longe it is a go sence this came vnto hym? And he sayde, of a chylde 22 And oft tymes it hath cast hym into the fire, and into the water, to destroye hym: But yf thou canst do any thyng, haue mercy on vs, and helpe vs 23 Iesus sayde vnto hym: this thyng yf thou cans beleue, all thynges are possible to hym that beleueth 24 And strayghtwaye the father of the childe cryed with teares, saying: Lorde I beleue, helpe thou mine vnbeliefe 25 When Iesus sawe that the people came runnyng together, he rebuked the foule spirite, saying vnto hym: Thou dumbe and deafe spirite, I charge thee come out of hym, and enter no more into hym 26 And the spirite, when he had cryed and rent him sore, came out of hym: and he was as one that had ben dead, insomuch that many sayde, he is dead 27 But Iesus caught hym by the hande, and lyft hym vp: and he rose 28 And whe he was come into the house, his disciples asked hym secretely: Why coulde not we cast hym out 29 And he saide vnto them: This kynde can come foorth by nothing, but by prayer and fastyng