Mark 1:1-11

Bishops(i) 1 The begynnyng of the Gospel of Iesu Christ, the sonne of God 2 As it hath ben written in the prophetes: Beholde, I sende my messenger before thy face, whiche shall prepare thy waye before thee 3 A voyce of hym that crieth in the wyldernesse: Prepare ye the waye of the Lorde, and make his pathes strayght 4 Iohn did baptize in the wyldernesse, and preached the baptisme of repentaunce, for the remission of sinnes 5 And all the land of Iurie, and they of Hierusalem, went out vnto hym, and were all baptized of hym in the ryuer of Iordane, confessyng their synnes 6 Iohn was clothed with Camelles heere, and with a girdle of a skynne about his loynes: and he did eate locustes and wylde hony 7 And preached, saying: He that is stronger then I, commeth after me, whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to stowpe downe, and vnloose 8 I haue baptized you with water: but he shal baptize you with the holy ghost 9 And it came to passe in those dayes, that Iesus came fro Nazareth, of Galilee, & was baptized of Iohn in Iordane 10 And assone as he was come vp out of the water, he sawe heauen open, & the spirite descending vpon him like a doue 11 And there came a voyce from heauen: Thou art my deare sonne, in whom I am well pleased