Malachi 1:2-5

Bishops(i) 2 I haue loued you saith the Lord: yet ye say, wherein hast thou loued vs? Was not Esau Iacobs brother, saith the Lorde, yet loued I Iacob 3 And I hated Esau, & made his mountaynes waste, and his heritage a wildernesse for Dragons 4 Though Edom say, We are impouerished, but we wil returne and builde the desolate places: yet saith the Lorde of hoastes, They shal builde, but I wil destroy: & they shal cal them, The border of wickednes, & the people with whom the Lorde is angry for euer 5 And your eyes shall see: and you shal say, The Lorde wylbe magnified vpon the borders of Israel