Joshua 9:15-27

Bishops(i) 15 And Iosuah made peace which the, and made a couenaunt with them, that they shulde be suffered to liue: And the princes of the congregation sware vnto them 16 But at the ende of three dayes, after they had made a league with them, they hearde that they were their neighbours, & that they dwelt among them 17 And the children of Israel toke their iorney, and came vnto their cities the thirde day: and their cities were Gibeon, and Caphira, Beroth, and Kiriathiarim 18 And the children of Israel slue them not, because the princes of the congregation had sworne vnto them by the Lord God of Israel: and all the multitude mourned agaynst the princes 19 But all the princes sayde vnto all the congregation: We haue sworne vnto them by the Lorde God of Israel, and therfore we may not hurt them 20 But this we wyll do to them, We wyll let them liue, lest wrath be vpon vs because of the othe which we sware vnto them 21 And the princes said vnto them againe, Let them liue, and hewe wood, & drawe water vnto all the congregation, [and they dyd] as the princes sayde vnto them 22 And Iosuah called for them, & talked with them, and sayde, Wherfore haue ye beguiled vs, saying, We dwell farre from you: when ye dwell among vs 23 And nowe are ye cursed, and there shal not ceasse to be of you bondmen, and hewers of wood, & drawers of water for the house of my God 24 And they aunswered Iosuah, & sayd, It was tolde thy seruauntes how that the Lorde thy God had commaunded his seruaunt Moyses to geue you all the lande, and to destroy all the inhabitours therof out of your sight, and therfore we were exceedyng sore afrayde for our liues at the presence of you, and haue done this thing 25 And beholde, we are in thyne hande: as it seemeth good and right in thyne eyes to do vnto vs, so do 26 And euen so did he vnto them, and rid them out of the hande of the chyldren of Israel, that they slue them not 27 And Iosuah made them that same day hewers of wood, and drawers of water for the congregation and for the aulter of God, vnto this day, in the place whiche he shoulde choose