Job 5:21-27

Bishops(i) 21 Thou shalt be hyd from the scourge of the tongue, & when destruction commeth thou shalt not neede to feare 22 In destruction and dearth thou shalt be mery, and shalt not be afrayde of the beastes of the earth 23 For the stones of the land shalbe confederate with thee, and the beastes of the fielde shalbe at peace with thee 24 And thou shalt knowe that thy dwelling place shalbe in rest, and thou shalt visite thy habitation, & shalt not sinne 25 Thou shalt see also that thy seede shall be great, and thy posteritie as the grasse vpon the earth 26 Thou shalt come also to thy graue in a full age, like a corne sheafe cut downe in due season 27 Lo, this we our selues haue proued by experience, and euen thus it is: Hearken thou to it also, that thou mayest take heede to thy selfe