Job 3:3-10

Bishops(i) 3 Let the day perishe wherin I was borne, and the night in the whiche it was sayd, There is a man childe conceaued 4 The same day be [turned to] darknesse, and not regarded of God from aboue, neither let the light shyne vpon it 5 But let it be stayned with darknesse and the shadowe of death, let the [dimme] cloude fall vpon it, whiche may make it terrible as a most bitter day 6 Let the darke storme ouercome that night, and let it not be ioyned vnto the dayes of the yere, nor counted in the number of the monethes 7 Desolate be that night, and without gladnesse 8 Let them that curse the day, and that be redy to rayse vp mourning, geue it also their curse 9 Let the starres of that night be dimme thorowe darkenesse of it, let it loke for light, but haue none, neither let it see the dawning of the day 10 Because it shut not vp the doores of my mothers wombe, nor hyd sorowe from myne eyes