Jeremiah 50:2-11

Bishops(i) 2 Preache among the gentiles, let your voyce be hearde, make a token, crye out, kepe no scilence, but say, Babylon is wonne, Bel is confounded, and Merodach is ouercome, yea their gods be brought to shame, and their images burst in peeces 3 For out of the north there doth come a people against her, which shall make her lande so waste that no body shall dwell therin, neither man nor beast, for they shall flee and depart from thence 4 In those dayes, and at that tyme saith the Lorde, the chyldren of Israel shall come, they and the children of Iuda, weeping and making haste, and shal seeke the Lorde their God 5 They shall aske the way to Sion, thither shall they turne their faces, saying: Come, and we wyll cleaue to the Lorde in a couenaunt that neuer shalbe broken 6 My people haue ben a lost flocke, my sheepheardes haue deceaued them, and haue made them go astray vpon the hylles, they haue gone from the mountayne to the litle hyl, and forgotten their folde 7 All they that came vpon them haue deuoured them, and their enemies said, We haue made no fault agaynst them, for they haue displeased the Lorde, [yea euen the Lorde which is] the habitation of their righteousnesse, and the hope of their fathers 8 Flee from Babylon, and depart out of the lande of the Chaldees, and be ye as the rammes that go before the flocke 9 For lo, I wyll wake vp an hoast of people from the northren lande, & bryng them vpon Babylon, these shal lay siege to it, and winne it: their arrowes shall not misse, like as a cunnyng archer shooteth not wrong 10 And the Chaldees shalbe spoyled, and all they that spoyle them, shalbe satisfied saith the Lorde 11 Although ye were so chearfull & glad, to treade downe myne heritage, and fulfylled your pleasures as the calues in the grasse, and triumphed ouer them like bulles [when ye had gotten the victorie