Jeremiah 40:1-4

Bishops(i) 1 This is the worde that the Lorde spake vnto Ieremie, when Nabuzaradan the chiefe captayne had let hym go free from Ramath, whyther he had led hym bounde among all the prisoners that were caryed from Hierusalem and Iuda vnto Babylon 2 The chiefe captaine called for Ieremie, and sayde vnto hym, The Lorde thy God spake mightily before of the misery vpon this place 3 Nowe the Lorde hath sent it and perfourmed it as he hath promised: for ye haue sinned agaynst the Lord, and haue not ben obedient vnto his voyce, therfore commeth this plague vpon you 4 Beholde, I loose the bandes from thy handes this day: yf thou wilt nowe go with me vnto Babylon, vp then, for I wyll see to thee, and prouide for thee: but yf thou wylt not go with me to Babylon, then remayne here: Beholde all the lande is at thy wyll, loke where thou thinkest conuenient and good for thee to abyde, there dwell