Jeremiah 38:6-13

Bishops(i) 6 Then toke they Ieremie and cast him into the dungeon of Melchiah the sonne of Amelech, that dwelt in the fore entrie of the prison, and they let downe Ieremie with coardes into a dungeon, where there was no water, but mire: So Ieremie stack fast in the mire 7 Nowe when Abedmelech the Morian beyng a chaumberlayne in the kynges court, vnderstoode that they had cast Ieremie into the dungeon 8 He went out of the kynges house, and spake to the king, which then sate vnder the port of Beniamin, these wordes 9 My Lorde the kyng, where as these men meddle with Ieremie the prophete, they do hym wrong [namely] in that they haue put hym in prison, there to dye for hunger: for there is no more bread in the citie 10 Then the kyng commaunded Abedmelech the Morian, and sayde, Take from hence thirtie men whom thou wylt, and drawe vp Ieremie the prophete out of the dungeon before he dye 11 So Abedmelech toke the men with hym, and went to the house of the king, and there vnder the treasurie he gat olde ragges and worne cloutes, and let them downe by a corde into the dungeon to Ieremie 12 And Abedmelech the Morian sayde vnto the prophete Ieremie: O put these ragges and cloutes vnder thine arme holes betwixt them and the cordes: And Ieremie did so 13 So they drewe vp Ieremie with cordes, & toke hym out of the dungeon: and he remayned in the fore entrie of the prison