Jeremiah 33:11-13

Bishops(i) 11 Shall the voyce of gladnesse be heard agayne, the voyce of the bridegrome and of the bride, the voyce of them that shall sing, Prayse the Lord of hoastes, for he is louing, and his mercy endureth for euer, and the voyce of them that offer vp gyftes in the house of the Lorde: for I wyll restore the captiuitie of this lande as it was afore, saith the Lorde 12 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes, It shall come yet therto, that in this lande whiche is voyde from men and cattle, and in all the cities of the lande, there shalbe set vp shepheardes cottages to rest their flockes 13 In the cities vpon the mountaynes, and in the cities that lye vpon the plaine, and in the cities of the south, in the lande of Beniamin, and rounde about Hierusalem, and in the cities of Iuda shall the sheepe passe agayne vnder the hande of him that telleth them, saith the Lorde